Doors are closed:Thank you for your interest. SZO will be available again in a few months. Join the waitlist below to be the first to find out (and snag exclusive bonuses) when it relaunches.

Storytelling: Zero to One

A 5-Act roadmap to multiply your influence through purpose-driven storytelling, even if you don't write like Stephen King.

Hey friend,In a perfect world, you would succeed on the quality of your ideas alone. Your experience would speak for itself.But we don’t live in that world.We live in a world where the quality of an idea is multiplied by the story it's wrapped in. You can take those same ideas, paint them with story, and all the sudden people take interest. But, many people don't know where to start with story – lost in the jungle of structure, jargon, and cheap tricks.I believe we live in a world desperately in need of more storytelling. A very specific type of storytelling, what I call purpose-driven storytelling.If you’re an entrepreneur, writer, marketer, or any other ambitious professional, you put this skill to use all the time – whether you realize it or not. It's how you package and share your ideas with the world.And stories are leverage for ideas. The better the story, the longer the lever.But maybe you're worried you have no stories to tell. Or maybe you're so full of ideas that you don't know which ones to start with. Or maybe you're convinced your ideas are too boring. Or maybe you’re worried because your name isn’t Stephen King, JK Rowling, or Andy Weir...If any of that resonates with you, you're going to love Storytelling: Zero to One.

Founder, write of passage

David Perell

"There's tons of fluff out there about storytelling, but Nathan has distilled it down to a science. He's a master at the craft who lives for the art of storytelling, which makes him exactly the kind of person you want to be learning from."

Founder, Maven

Wes Kao

“I love how obsessed Nathan is with the craft of storytelling. He lives it, breathes it, dissects it, analyzes it, and we all get to benefit.”

Founder, Ship30

Nicolas Cole

"Nathan has an incredible ability to distill complicated, expert-level storytelling techniques into simple and actionable steps. I've learned a ton from him, and you will too. Don't just be another writer pumping out content. Be a storyteller."

"The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller." - Steve Jobs


Everyone Tells you How Important Storytelling Is, But Nobody Shows You How To Do It. Until Now.


Make Any Story Personal

It's too risky to tell a story Wikipedia or ChatGPT can tell. Tell a story only you can tell.


Craft the Perfect Conflict

How do you pull your audience into your story? How do you make them the hero? Here you're going to learn to get the right conflict for the right people.


Build the Story Structure

What are stories made of? You'll dive into the 4 foundations so you can create them at will.


Create Powerful Yet Flexible Frameworks

All stories need structure to survive. Here, I lay out 8 readymade frameworks you can use today.


Defeat the First Draft

After this Act, you'll never worry about a blank page again.


Bring Your Story to Life

You're going to be equipped with 10 narrative and rhetorical devices to transform your story.


Build Your World & Shape Your Narrative

Why advance someone else's narrative when you can shape yours?


Get Your Story Seen

Storytelling on the internet is a different beast. This crash course will get you up to speed.

More Than Just Theory. Mindset & Tactics.

I'm building bonus material to help you take action.
These bonuses are only available if you enroll between February 7th and February 11th, and go live on the 10th.


The 2 Key Personal Stories

Everyone can tell these stories. But nobody can tell each other's.


Magnetic Writing Workshop

Kieran Drew is a writing whiz. He writes, people listen. I'm sitting down with him to dig into what he calls Magnetic Writing, and you get full access.


Story + AI

AI can't write stories. BUT. It can help you ideate, outline, and edit them, if you use it right.


Tactical Storytelling Exercises & Templates

To put theory to practice.

"You're never going to kill storytelling, because it's built in the human plan. We come with it." - Margaret Atwood

"Nathan ambiently re-wired my brain. His bite-sized and refined lessons are timeless and infectious. I've internalized when, why, and how to use storytelling techniques."- Simon Taylor, Head of Content & Strategy at Sardine

your invitation

Ready to join Storytelling: Zero to One?

Do It yourself

  • 5 Acts, 1 Prologue, 1 Epilogue, and 61 Micro Chapters of storytelling training

  • Instant access to all core material

  • 90+ Examples to get your mind racing

  • 9 tactical Exercises to shape and write your story

  • 3 bonuses to accelerate your storytelling in the AI age

  • Lifetime updates

  • Lifetime access

do it 1-to-1 (limited to 5 spots)

  • 5 Acts, 1 Prologue, 1 Epilogue, and 61 Micro Chapters of storytelling training

  • Instant access to all core material

  • 90+ Examples to get your mind racing

  • 9 tactical Exercises to shape and write your story

  • 3 bonuses to accelerate your storytelling in the AI age

  • Lifetime updates

  • Lifetime access

  • 1 60-minute session to dig through the story of your choice

  • 1 additional round of edits + suggestions via Loom


Hey, I'm Nathan.I've been obsessed with storytelling for 7 years.And in 2021, I left a career in consulting to build a content agency. Over 18 months, we helped 13 startups build organic content engines. That's everything from tweets to newsletters to case studies to founder stories.Everything I do comes back to storytelling. It's how I think, how I write, and how I interact with the world.Over 345,000 people follow my writing across LinkedIn and Twitter. I also write a newsletter to 83,000 readers dedicated to storytelling. That all still sounds insane to me, but here we are.I believe storytelling is the most valuable skill you can learn, and I'm pumped you're keen to put it to use yourself.

"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten." - Rudyard Kipling

"I’ve had the pleasure of learning storytelling from Nathan directly. He’s one of the most knowledgeable people I’ve met in this space. You only need to look at his results to see why he’s worth paying attention to. Importantly, he’s obsessed about the topic and genuinely cares about his audience. Would highly recommend learning from him."- Kieran Drew, Writer & Entrepreneur


Storytelling: Zero to One will continue to improve and expand.

You get lifetime access to the course with your one-time payment. Let's say I make massive changes in 3 months. Even if the course becomes more expensive (it will!), you get every improvement at no additional cost.And that's the main reason I'm closing the course to all sales at midnight PST this Sunday, February 11th. There will be no exceptions.Based on customer feedback, I'll improve the course and relaunch it in a few months. HOWEVER. It will be more expensive when it comes out again. So if you act now, you actually pay less than future customers.

"Purposeful storytelling isn't showbusiness. It's good business." - Peter Gruber

Thoughts From Folks in V1


Who is this course for?

You're likely a writer, entrepreneur, or other professional. In other words, you have ideas the world needs to hear.If you're curious enough to be interested in storytelling, I'm guessing that's you. I'm going to take you through my process of turning ideas and experiences into captivating stories. Aren't sure if you have stories to tell? After this, you'll never run out of them.

Can I expense this through my company?

Probably! In fact, I have a pre-written email template to make it easier to ask your manager.

I'm not a great writer. Will this still be valuable for me?

Let me ask you a question. What would you be more likely to pay attention to?- Eh writing with a great story
- Exceptional writing with a bleh story
If, like me, you answered the former, we're on the same page. You don't need to be Toni Morrison to tell effective stories. Besides, this course helps you become a dangerous writer, too.

Will this help with writing fiction?

This course is focused on shortform, non-fiction storytelling. I only teach something when I have the credentials to back it up. And while the fiction writing is going well, I won't launch a full storytelling + fiction course until a book is out in the wild. But with shortform, non-fiction I know (and have proven with my own writing and client's writing) that I can deliver the goods.

What's the refund policy?

I get it. I've had horrible experiences with courses too. But I have zero doubt this product will be one of the best investments you make in your career. So, if you feel you didn't get a ridiculous amount of value, email us for a 100% refund within 21 days of purchase. The only question I'll ask is what could've been better.

Will I have to pay for future updates?

Nope! You get lifetime access no matter how the product changes. In fact, after SZO goes off the market at 11:59PM PST on February 11th, it'll never be available at this price again. So if you act now, you actually pay less than future customers.

Why is this course less expensive than other storytelling courses?

I looked at expensive cameras, mics, and filming space and said, "Nope, not buying the $3000 stuff." In all seriousness, many courses have humongous overhead costs. Big teams, fancy equipment, the whole shebang, which leads to courses that cost thousands of dollars.That's not my style. I use Loom and Skool for everything, which keeps costs low and keeps the focus on the actual material, not the bells and whistles. Better for you, better for me, and better for your wallet.This material can change the way you view and interact with the world. At least, it did for me. I know I can charge more for it. If you work with me 1 on 1, it's far more expensive. But for this launch, which wraps up February 11th, I want to keep it accessible.

Wait, SZO is going off the market?

Yes. You can enroll until Sunday night at Midnight PST. Then I'll take the course offline to collect feedback, ensure the first round of users have an awesome experience, and tweak the product based on the learnings. It'll come back online in a few months, but will be more expensive.

Sounds awesome. I'm in. What's next?

I'm a believer in immediate access for something you pay for. So, once you enroll, you'll get an email giving you access to the Skool community where the course is hosted. There, you get instant access to all seven modules so you can dive right in.